YASUSHI MIURA - Ryusei cdr




Rodzimy Simlog znów uderza!!! Znów trafia w cel. Znów utwierdza mnie w przekonaniu, że lideruje polskim DIY labelom. Yasushi Miura to japoński kompozytor elektronicznych brzmień. 'Ryusei' to oryginalne połączenie stylistyki rave, zmanipulowanego house'u, mangowych podkładów, noisujących teł i zdekonstruowanego free jazzu. świeżość- aż dech zapiera, choć tradycja położyła tu solidne fundamenty. Opakowanie - jak zwykle przednie.
Pasja artysty + pasja wydawcy.
Utopia zrealizowana.

Yasushi Miura 'ryusei'-simple logic-CDR in a nice digipack
/If I owned a club, which is more science-fiction than actual dream, I wonder what the dancefloor part would look like. When I see clubs in movies (I never go there, stop being unpolite) what I see is a flat round- or squared-shaped place where people show the latest fashion they bought on their grandparents' money. My dancefloor would probably be some place that moves around randomly off-beat while slowly changing shape, lit by dim pulsating pastel-shaded flower-shaped lightbulbs (so no-one could actually see oneself properly, let alone see each other), with a pink fur floor and geysers of bubble-gum scented jelly popping here and there. And Miura's 'ryusei' would be the perfect anti-dance music for this anti-dance floor: music that invites you to movement, not to dance, as someone says; music that's always off-something -offbeat, offtune, offtherecord, offetc. A great moment: buy this one.