
VIVO RECORDS releases___________________________________________________________
music by Masami Akita.
Dedicated to anti-whaling
activity. 50m. 27s.
1. Anti-Whaling Song Part. 1 MP3
2. Anti-Whaling Song Part. 2 MP3
3. Anti-Whaling Song Part. 3 MP3
All Music by Masami Akita
acoustic guitar,handmade
instruments,EMS synthi 'A',
computer & various effects.
Recorded & Mixed at Bedroom,
Tokyo, April 2006 http://www.merzbow.net
In November, 2006 , the Japanese
whaling fleet will set sail for
the icy waters of Antarctica.
Their target - 50 Humpback Whales,
50 Fin Whales and almost l000
Minke Whales.
In the next l6 years, unless this
obscene ' scientific whaling '
program, known as JARPA 2, is
stopped, the Japanese whaling
fleet will slaughter l7,000 Minke
Whales, 800 Humpbacks and 800 Fin
The murder of these beautiful
creatures spells the end of the
global moratorium on the killing
of whales as Japan's so-called 'scientific
whaling' is nothing more than a
commercial killing operation. The
Japanese Government subsidises
its whaling industry with
thousands of dollars each year.
Japanese warehouses are piled
high with mountains of unused
whale meat. School children are
given whale hamburgers and
sausages in an attempt to turn
them on to eating whale meat. The
truth is that the market for
whale meat in Japan is almost non-existent.
Yet still the Japanese Government
pursues its deadly agenda of
turning the world's oceans into a
slaughterhouse for whales.
Old whalers who worked in
Antarctica in the fifties, when
thousands and thousands of whales
were killed, cannot wipe the
memories of the hideous slaughter
from their minds.
They say that whales suffer
terribly, unable to lose
consciousness until the moment of
Whales cry, whales struggle to
protect their young, their kin.
As the dreadful harpoon with its
grenade head explodes as it
pierces living flesh, their agony
is unendurable. In the last
whaling season just passed in
Antarctica, Greenpeace and Sea
Shepherd reported that whales
were deliberately drowned by
Japanese whalers.
Sometimes, the whalers use
electric probes. Blood pours into
the ocean as the whales thrash in
agony. In some cases the chase
and death take hours. Every
minute must feel like a lifetime.
At the International Whaling
Commission (IWC) where many
nations of the world meet each
year to haggle over whether
whales will be killed or not, the
global moratorium on the
commercial killing of whales
which has held of whaling nations
for 20 years is close to ending.
The IWC has no powers of
enforcement. It has no navy. The
IWC has no way to stop countries
like Japan, Norway and Iceland
from killing whales . In the past,
the US government has threatened
trade sanctions against these
countries, and the threat has
been reasonably effective.
When George Bush became President
of the United States, the world's
only super power and the
strongest ally of the whales,
changed its policy. Japan has
been able to get away with murder
because the Bush Administration
has turned its back on the whales
so that the world's oceans can be
raped in the name of free trade.
The balance of power in the IWC
has now changed. Japan has bribed
poor and undeveloped countries
with massive aid money to obtain
their vote at the IWC. The anti
whaling nations, USA, UK,
Australia and New Zealand have
done little more than make media
statements and diplomatic
Environmental groups have
obtained legal opinions from some
of the best legal experts in the
western world. It is very
apparent that Japan's obscene
whaling program could be stopped
in various international courts.
But no nation will take Japan to
court because the anti whaling
nations are members of the World
Trade Organisation (WTO) and they
will not jeopardize free trade.
So the equation is quite simple -
whales or trade. Unfortunately,
trade is winning the game unless
the people of the world rise up
and protest against this deadly
Oceans without whales are hard to
imagine. But the grim reality is
that there is no whale population,
no whale species that is capable
of withstanding slaughter.
Millions of whales were killed in
the last two centuries, their
deaths creating profound impacts
on marine ecosystems.
Many people ask why Japan
persists in killing whales when
there is no market for the meat.
Japan is the world's greatest
exploiter of the global marines.
The Japanese appetite for fish,
insatiable. Many conservation
groups believe that if Japan is
forced to stop whaling, the
Japanese government believes that
their fishing practices will soon
be exposed to global scrutiny and
their fishers forced to cut back.
It is also true that most
Japanese people are completely
unaware of the extent of whaling
by their government, or the
appalling cruelty involved - or
the global protest as the
Japanese media does not report on
the killing orgies.
If commercial whaling begins
again in the 21st Century,
humanity will have taken a giant
step backwards to the Dark Ages.
People find it hard to believe
that the fight to save the whales
has begun again, and that unless
there is massive global protest,
the whales will die.
In buying this CD, you have made
your statement of concern for the
magnificent, highly intelligent
whales. It is not enough. You
must write to your politicians,
to the religious leaders in your
country, to newspapers and to
radio and television stations
making your protest.
Tell your family, friends,
workmates that the whales will
die unless we, the people act.
There is legal action which can
be taken to stop the slaughter.
There is hope. Miracles can
happen, but we must create the
The whales demand no less. The
great mind in the waters is
calling on caring humans to
ensure their survival.
This call is nothing less than
the crossroads of our humanity,
our survival.
Do it ! / Sue Arnold /
special thanks to:
David Head stopwhaling.co.nz
Ron Hunter whaledive.net
(...) Merzbow is of course the
archetypal super-productive noise
generator, and Bloody Sea ties
his ferocious torrent of abused,
imploding and exploding
electronics to a topical protest
- the imminent relaunch of the
Japanese whaling fleet. The three
parts of "Anti-Whaling Song"
explore a familiar syntax of
pounding low-end pulse with howls
of speaker-shredding sound damage
unleashed on top. The theme and
content set each other off well:
Merzbow's seething sounds and
furies are a suitably bloody
apocalyptic froth for the
brutalities described in the
Cios między oczy wprost z
japońskiego undergroundu. Ten
album to protest przeciwko
masowemu zabijaniu wielorybów,
których mięso Japończycy
wcinają tak jak my schabowe.
Muzykę przygotował sam guru
noise elektroniki. Akita nie
cacka się ze słuchaczami i
nokautuje trójfazowo. Piski,
zgrzyty, sprzężenia, ryki,
świdrujące na wysokich
częstotliwościach sygnały
układają się w dźwiękowy
horror. Album tylko dla
śmiałków, ale tak smutny i
krwawy temat nie mógł mieć
innej oprawy muzycznej. Nie ma
litości, tak jak litości nie
mają ci, którzy polują na te
wyjątkowe zwierzęta. "Bloody
Sea" być może zwróci
uwagę świata na ten dramatyczny
problem. Robert
Bloody sea comes off
like a more approachable, less
violent version of the four disk Turmeric
set from early this year. using
elements of guitar feedback and
electronic pluses and some very
crude rhythmic elements.
On offer here are three tracks Anti-
whaleing soung parts one
through to three. All of the
tracks to a certain extent have
an improvised feel, none of them
except the shortest track two
staying in one places
structurally very long, they
seems as if there are cut up
elements of a larger noise jam, Masami
cutting the best bits out and
offering them here. Track tow
pumps out a wonderful Geiger
counter, like loop through out
its running time, as Merzbow
splatters and burns guitar and
static elements on top. The air
seems very fiery and denser,
almost boiling with anger in
parts. This I think is due to the
subject matter, it's nice to see Merzbow
making really doing what is
modern protest music here. The cd
comes in a rather nice cardboard
folder, with a frankly depressing/
anger inducing write up about
Japan's restarting of whaleling.
Certainly not a Merzbow
releases for the novices
to his work or noise virgins for
that matter, but a competent
and rewarding release, that
follows on nicely from his recent
investigation back into analogue
sound link with digital equipment.
To hear some samples and buy
direct go here.
Roger Batty
Merzbow - Bloody Sea Vivo
Bloody Sea - Stop Whaling!
schreit uns vom Cover entgegen.
Wahrscheinlich das direkteste und
barmherzigste Bekennerschreiben
der zeitgenössischen Noisemusik.
Im Klappcover finden sich harte
und äußerst üble Fakten zu
begangenen und kommenden
Greueltaten und der geringen
Überlebenschance der Wale.
Obendrein eine CD mit drei Anti-Whaling
Songs, die brachial und ohne zu
Zögern alle Wut über die
Dummheit der Menschen ausspeit,
die grundlos jeden und alles dem
ekelerregenden free trade
unterordnen müssen.
Schwachsinnige Politk (hier:
Japan, Finnland, Island) verlangt
nach harter Opposition, auch in
der Musik. Masami Akita steht
ganz vorne und schreit wie ein
vergessener Gott nach deiner
Position im sog. Spiel der
Weltmächte, die immerzu meinen,
in allen Bereichen den Noise
ausklammern zu müssen, um die
grandios überbewertete Kontrolle
zu behalten - selbst über
Leichen. Auf jetzt, CD bestellen
und dann ab zu stopwhaling.co.nz
ed *****
This is a time where external
events slide by as glib
advertisements, as Baudrillard
remarked - there was no gulf war.
We only had signifiers. There was
no signified - by which I mean
can anyone say why we went to war
- without even declaring a war?
The politician/corporate
executive via overwhelming
technological power, media
subversion and staggering wealth
is able to inflict devastation on
a global scale. All of their
actions in reality are
destructive of life, truth and
morality. Their texts, their
whole culture - justifications,
motivations, philosophies even!
are only placed to take our
attention away from their actual
actions. A farmer through the
sights of an infra red missile is
a terrorist, humans and animals
are political-exploitative
opportunities and media foci -
not anymore even useful
commodities, third world famine
an opportunity to not feed the
world, but feed the pockets and
egos of pseudo-political media
personalities.. (and Noise is the
nihilistic rejection of all this..)
We have come along way from
Gericault's raft of the medusa,
we have even come along way from
Gurnica and the ambiguity of The
Weeping Woman- or the blatant
hiding of the horrors of 1914-18
through a screen of an iridescent
mist of water lilies. It was the
artist Schwitters and now his
Japanese doppelganger who refused
both the exploitation of
inhumanity, or a refusal to
acknowledge it in an art as opium
for the people. After all people
are not treated by Merzbow as
sheep -but as free moral agents
with which the artist can engage
in a dialogue, in which the
artist's work is more than an
opiate or merchandizing
opportunity but a commitment to
the idea of community which has
to engage in ethical frameworks
of cooperation and consideration
of all life. Art cannot divorce
itself from morality for as
Wittgenstein stated- ethics and
aesthetics are one and the same.